I consider the sculptures in Tiempo de luz responses: what I say, based on who I am and my circumstances, through materiality and the forms that construct them.
This relationship results in each of the sculptures that, inscribed in their respective volumes (length x height x depth), generate the different sculptural spaces, which in turn I deprive of the dense materiality of the iron that forms them (subtracting the volume of matter that makes up each of the sculptures) to leave free those spaces in which the sculptures are inscribed, which are the ones that can be traversed and occupied by light at its corresponding and determined times.
To find these times (of light), unique, exact and different for each of the sculptures that make up Time of Light, I relate the dimensions (volume) and the weight of the sculpture with the density of iron (7.87 kilograms per cubic decimeter) and this product with light and its constant (300,000 km/s, speed of light) through the formulas (d=m/v) and (v=e/t), interpreted from the poetics of art .